I am receiving java.unkownHost errors when trying to run a test with the Dynatrace population. I set up the DT integration following Neotys' github guide.
Hello Neotys/Community;
I'm working on Neoload/Dynatrace integration.
For information, i am using dynatrace on SaaS, and created a simple Neoload Platform (Controller, LG...
Hi Nouredine;
Thanks first for your answer.
On Neoload (GUI) during the test i have no error mesage.
The potential errors could be traced in logs? which logs (dynatrace...
Neoload 6.9
Dynatrace Managed -> OneAgent 1.166.86
I've installed the Dynatrace API (as explained on https://github.com/Neotys-Labs/Dynatrace), but I also can't see any...
I have some troubles in Dynatrace integration with NeoLoad:
I followed all the steps of the documentation untill the "Where Will I Find NeoLoad Metrics in Dynatrace...