Answered question

How to add NeoLoad metrics in Dynatrace dropdown list?

I have some troubles in Dynatrace integration with NeoLoad:
I followed all the steps of the documentation untill the "Where Will I Find NeoLoad Metrics in Dynatrace?" step but, in the dropdown list of metrics, there is no NeoLoad metrics.
So, there is my question: how can I add them to my Dynatrace metrics dropdown list?
Thanks a lot.

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Jannick D.
Jannick D.

Jannick D.

21 / 100

I've also installed the Dynatrace API (as explained on, but I also can't see any NeoLoad metrics on my Dynatrace managed server.

Can you please give us some support!

Jannick D.
Jannick D.

Jannick D.

21 / 100

I did everything as explained in your documentation

The dynatrace link has confused the matter, the original question was about posting metrics via the dynatrace custom API rather than tagging requests. There is a delay between posting to the API and it popping up in a dynatrace custom chart