Unanswered question

Rest Design API Request to create transaction Container

Using the NL Design API documentation. I am checking to see if I can able to trigger Http request to create a transaction Element in NL. I was able to Add UserPath but when i am trying to add transaction I am getting this error response saying "NL-DESIGN-CANNOT-ADD-ELEMENT(Element with uid not found)"
I am 100% sure i am giving the userid of its parent but still no luck. Can anyone help me with this? Thanks

Bharath B.
Bharath B.

Bharath B.

17 / 100


Neil W.
Neil W.

Neil W.

5000 / 5000

I've never attempted this but looking at both your questions, unless you are creating a new recording engine, what is your end goal? the current recorder wont automatically wrap requests with a transaction.

If you want to write something that will parse a recorded script and add the transactions, it might be quicker just to do it manually

Bharath B.
Bharath B.

Bharath B.

17 / 100

my goal is that I have an internal application which playbacks user actions and I am using NL proxy to capture those requests and I want to trigger transaction element from my internal application using API request automatically. currently I am testing out those API's in postman so faced above issue while creating the Transaction element.