I have a peculiar web service scripting - App team has shared SOAP request which has all required elements, soap action and service URL...using which I am able to create a userpath manually.
Due to security reasons, application team has installed certificate (x509) directly on load generator box and provided me with subject name/base64key value.
Is there a way to configure certificate without being shared and using subject name/base64key
Thanks in advance for your reply!
I'm not sure to understand the relation between your SOAP request and the certificate installed on the LG machine.
What is your goal? Do you want to sign your SOAP content using a certificate?
Thank you for your reply!
Yes, you are right . I want to sign the SOAP content using the certificate. is there a way to configure it in Neoload if application team is not in a position to share it physically.
It seems we have options to import certificate in record options and to create a profile (in this case we have to have a certificate with us)
Lakshmi Narsimha answered
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Nouredine answered
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