Unanswered question

Multiple Neoload session on a server

We're 3 people using NeoLoad (GUI, generator and monitoring agent) on one single server with different user accounts. When one of us has the GUI opened anybody else who tries to start it gets an error message regarding "Monitoring Agent already running". We just want to create scripts etc. in parallel without using the Monitoring Agents though. Do we need to remove the Monitoring Agent and install it on its own server or is there a way to run mutliple instances of NeoLoad GUI on one server

Kesavan G.
Kesavan G.

Kesavan G.

21 / 100


Neil W.
Neil W.

Neil W.

5000 / 5000

Neoload uses several ports when running, you would need Neolaod installed for each team member in a unique location. Why don't they have it installed on their own machines, you can then use teh GIT integration if they happen to be working on the same project