I have recorded a script, in which when a user login a verification number is sent to that particular user's email id. To continue with login, we have to enter that unique number. How can we handle that in script?
I have an application, where after entering UserName, Password and clicking on Login button, a unique number has been sent to that particular user mobile. To proceed further...
Hello Ankur S,
OTP can't be handled by NeoLoad, You have to make sure that disabling OTP authentication of the application during the Performance testing phase. Later you can...
yes, NeoLoad records the traffic at protocol level and will record all exchanges between the browser and the server, whatever the content of headers and settings on how handling...
I have recorded one script, made all parameters dynamic. Script was working fine for around 1hr but after that I am getting Server Error in Application. Again, I have recorded...
There's clearly a dynamic parameter that you forgot to handle since the script is only valid for 1 hour. Since you have two different recordings i would suggest you to compare...