I am trying below scenario from a jenkins build
1. Connect to GitHub and check out a neoload project
Command used: check out to sub-directory
2. Execute the scenario within that project.
Command used: project file
ERROR: File not found: \XYZ\.jenkins\workspace\GITNLPTrialneoload-project-23\"NeoloadProjectName".nlp
Please assist how to overcome this issue
You could be missing a / after {WORKSPACE}
and why does the error say this: "NeoloadProjectName", where is your project name?
Hi, I triedwith a / including as well.
C:\---->"C:\Program Files\NeoLoad 7.0\bin\NeoLoadCmd.exe" -project "${WORKSPACE}\neoload-project-${BUILD_NUMBER}\InternetProxy.nlp" -launch "scenariog" -testResultName "gitjenkinsnl" -report "C:\----\.jenkins\workspace\GITNLPTrial/neoload-report/report.html,---\.jenkins\workspace\GITNLPTrial/neoload-report/report.xml" -SLAJUnitResults "----\.jenkins\workspace\GITNLPTrial/neoload-report/junit-sla-results.xml" -noGUI
ERROR: File not found: ---\.jenkins\workspace\GITNLPTrial\neoload-project-26\InternetProxy.nlp for user "username".
All the —- make the command harder to read, especially C:\---->"C:\Prog.
However, assuming the command line is correct. Have you confirmed GIT is cloning to the location that you are looking for the project. Ie. The paths match up.