Unanswered question

Agent version different?

Hi, I am unable to check a virtual user path as it fails with an error message "Load generator:7100" and one more aspect to note is that the agent version cannot be upgraded as it is based on a different major version.
When the log folders were checked, I see below entries - these do not point to any major version conflict.

neoload.agent.Agent: Starting agent (7.0.0;build=20190712-20)...

neoload.Controller: Starting NeoLoad Version 7.0.0;build=20190712-20

Please check the attached file and provide assistance.

Harısh N.
Harısh N.

Harısh N.

289 / 750


This message is due to the fact that the agent is with the red status. Before running the checkvu do you already have the red color for the localhost agent?

If yes then the issue is not the checkvu but the agent that is not allowed to listen on port 7100 like a firewall/antivirus issue. Could you provide  a zip of the NeoLoad log folder?

Harısh N.
Harısh N.

Harısh N.

289 / 750

Thanks for responding. Yes, agent is in RED even before running virtual user. Please refer the attached logs.zip file taken from Neoload logs folder (\AppData\Roaming\Neotys\NeoLoad\v7.0).
Please have a look and provide a resolution. Thanks,

From the logs we can see that the agent is able to start but then the controller got an error when connecting locally to that agent. So it seems that you have some securty settings in your environment that is preventing the NeoLoad controller to connect that local agent.

This is a subset of the error:

2019/10/01 18:43:03 [ReliableClientTransport-[ReliableClient:1019511245@9f3315ac8ee5452e8e66a0ca420f0a21228d2cf0618c4b9ea7e8047dad48fb7e]->[]-1] ERROR com.neotys.communication.reliable.transport.client.ReliableClientTransportImpl - [ReliableClient:1019511245@9f3315ac8ee5452e8e66a0ca420f0a21228d2cf0618c4b9ea7e8047dad48fb7e]->[] connection failed for all transports
javax.websocket.DeploymentException: Connection failed

You should check if you have any antivirus that could interfer. NeoLoad uses WebSocket to connect to the LG using SSL so maybe it's blocked in your machine.

Harısh N.
Harısh N.

Harısh N.

289 / 750

OK ; thanks Nouredine.
I will check on the security/anti-virus settings. So, I now understand that this issue is not to be treated as a version conflict between agent and controller ; though the message says so.