I downloaded JAR file from lib folder from the labs. After placing the JAR file (swagger-java-client-1.0.0.jar) in the project, I am not still not seeing the APM folder created under the Advanced section in Neoload.
In-detailed steps has been placed in the file attached.
Any settings has to be changed in order to see it? If so, please let me know.
Why have you downloaded a swagger jar? Which APM are you looking to use?
I want to use New Relic Monitoring. I am not sure which JAR file is to be taken from the labs as there was only one in the LIB folder.
And also I'm using Neoload 7.0 version. Is APM applicable for this version of Neoload?
Did you look here: https://github.com/Neotys-Labs/NewRelic
There are instructions on what to download and where to place it, you should be downloading this file and putting it in the extlib folder
Thank you. I've got the APM folder under Advanced section now.
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