To ramp up virtual users over a period of time, I see two options.
First, in Advanced Population Parameters, there's an option for virtual users to start sequentially, over a...
Option 2. is linear, 5 users every 10 seconds repeat until 25 users are on, etc. Option 1 is decided by Neoload, so 25 users will start within 50 seconds, but it's completely...
when i checked the requests the cookies are the only difference, now i understood that Neoload is handling cookies by default. so why do i get this errors? and why after many...
Yes i am handling the tokens and i am sure it's valid, but the cookies i didn't handle it.
I tried below 20 users and yes i got the error but it's random each time i run the...
I am using a variable extractor to get all values and want to pass unique value for every user. Example if my extractor (Date) is pulling 10 different values from the response...
If each VU extracted all 100+ entries, then they could each pick one from the list based on their vuid. Think of an array and user #1 picks the first element, user #2 picks the...