When you install Neoload, 3 components get installed, the GUI, a local LG agent and a local Monitoring agent
Neoload will take some memory, the LG Agent will take some...
I have configured the Jboss monitor in NeoLoad but I cannot see the Garbage collection counter that should be there for any JAVA application. Where is...
JBoss 4 and 5 application servers provide two JMX MBeans Servers: the standard JMX Mbeans Server and the JBoss embedded one.
NeoLoad monitoring module (real JBoss5 or Generic...
The Linux machine where i would like to install NeoLoad Web does not have Internet access. But i have another Linux machine that does have it. Is there a way to use NeoLoad Web...
The installation and the use of NeoLoad Web only requires Internet access when the Docker images are not available on the machine where you start NeoLoad Web. That means that...