Unanswered question

How do i capture the string in response and need to add with integer 1 and have to write in a file

i need to capture the string from response and to add integer 1 with that string and to write in text file

Renuga A.
Renuga A.

Renuga A.

2 / 100


Hello Renuga,

If you want to learn how to extract response content check out this link: https://www.neotys.com/documents/doc/neoload/latest/#962.htm

To manipulate the value that you captured, I would suggest you to use javascript action : https://www.neotys.com/documents/doc/neoload/latest/#989.htm

About writting the computed result in a file, you can write it in a log using javascript action too. And beware of setting up your log level on the preferences menu under Projects Settings -> Runtime Parameters : Javascript Logging Level.

I hope it helped

Best Regards,
Fousseyni B.