Answered question

How do I carry out IP spoofing with NeoLoad?

I have a load balancer that distributes the load based on the IP addresses of the client. I would like to simulate the different clients without having to install a load generator per IP address. Is there a way to use several IP addresses for the same load generator?

By default, Neoload will use the main IP address of the system as source IP address of all the requests.

Neoload is able to change the source address for each new virtual user.

First, define the IP addresses on the load generator's network interface. How to do that depends on the Operating System. Make sure that these IP addresses are valid.

To enable IP using multiple IP addresses, you need to access an agent's configuration in the "Runtime/Scenarios" tab and select the IP addresses to use during the test.

Neoload will use sequentially one of the selected IP address for each virtual user.


For more information, see "Advanced host configuration" under "Runtime" section in the NeoLoad documentation.

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