Answered question

Is NeoLoad able to load test mobile applications?

We have a new application version that will be especially deployed for mobile devices. I am wondering if NeoLoad is able to load test it and also how can I do it?



-10 / 100

NeoLoad supports load and performance testing of both web and native applications on mobile devices.

You can easily do that and in two different ways:

  1. Use the agent switcher feature in NeoLoad

            a) Start your recording.
            b) In the "recording" window, check the "identify as" check box.
            c) Select the browser and/or User-Agent you want to emulate.

  2.  Use a mobile device to record your virtual user profile using a true mobile browser.

    Configure the mobile device to use the same sub-network as the NeoLoad controller, then configure the proxy to use the NeoLoad recorder (<NeoLoad_IP_machine>:8090).

           a) Start the recording without launching a browser.
           b) Launch the browser on the mobile device and access your web application.
           c) NeoLoad will record all the HTTP traffic between the mobile browser and the server

    Then, before launching your test, do not forget to set the bandwidth limitation on your population to simulate a wireless network.


For more information, see "Design" section in NeoLoad documentation.

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-10 / 100

Sometimes when connecting a web application using a mobile device, you will have a specific page, designed to be more easy to read using a mobile device.
In this case, the server uses the user-agent header to know which content to send back to the client.
You have 2 options:
1) Use the agent switcher plugin for firefox to emulate a mobile browser
2) Use a mobile device to record your virtual user profile using a true mobile browser
If this is possible, the plugin option is the simplest way to accomplish it.

  • Install the user agent switcher plugin :
  • Check in the plugin if the proper user agent exists or create it manually (you can find most of them here:
  • Simply launch a recording with NeoLoad + Firefox and before typing your URL, change the user agent of your browser.
  • Otherwise you can use a mobile device to record your virtual user profile using a true mobile browser

    • Configure the mobile device to use the same sub-network as the NeoLoad controller, then configure the proxy to use the NeoLoad recorder (see first part for more information).
    • Start the recording without launching a browser
    • Launch the browser on the mobile device and access your web application
    • NeoLoad will record all the HTTP traffic between the mobile browser and the server
    • Then, before launching your test, do not forget to set the bandwidth limitation on your population to simulate a wireless network.