Answered question

How can I reserve a Cloud Session in advance?

I have an ongoing project where I will have to use some load generators from a Cloud. I would like to make sure that I can access them on time so I can obtain the IP addresses and configure my firewall accordingly.

The Cloud allows you to test your application from the Internet.
You don't have to configure your own machine to generate the load.
To get the IP addresses of those machines, you can reserve a Cloud session using the Neotys Cloud Web Portal :
On the Neotys website, go to Customer Area > Cloud Management or click on the link below.
Login and click on the menu : Reservation > Reserve Cloud Session.
1. The New Cloud Session Wizard is displayed. Select a workgroup and enter the cloud session details : a name, email addresses (to send notifications) and the version of NeoLoad that will be used to start load generators. Click "Next".
2. In the second step, you need to enter the planned start and end dates and the number of load generators per zone. If needed, fill the IP addresses reservation to get the IP addresses before the beginning of the test. You must have enough credits for the selected numbers of load generators! Click "Next".
3. Validate the information on the summary step and click "Finish".
For more information, see "NeoLoad Cloud Testing" under "Runtime" section in the Neoload documentation.

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