I created some Custom Action using the "com.neotys.extensions.action" package. In my "com.neotys.extensions.action.Action" implementation I implemented the "getDefaultActionParameters" method as follows:
public List<ActionParameter> getDefaultActionParameters() {
List<ActionParameter> actionParameters = new ArrayList<ActionParameter>();
actionParameters.add(new ActionParameter("HOST", "server host"));
actionParameters.add(new ActionParameter("PORT", "server port"));
return actionParameters;
Once imported and added as Custom Action in my User Path, I update these two values of "Host" and "Port" to correct value and save the scenario. Now after I select to any new Custom Action, all other fields like "Name", "Description" gets updated to correct value, but the "Parameters" field is not getting updated. It always show the value from previous action (i.e. Host / Port) and not the correct parameters.
Only if I click on "Restore Defaults" the default values get updated and I lose any previous saved value.
Please see my implementation in the attached files.
You should provide a display name in NLISOConnectAction.java.
For example:
public String getDisplayName() {
return "NL ISO Connect";