Issue contacting DataExchangeAPI server. See documentation to disable the proxy." Which documentation and how to disable the proxy ?
We would need more detail on this but at a guess... an LG can't write back to the controller running the API server? so a networking problem between the two, the API runs on port 7400 so I would check the port is open on the firewalls (in/out). If there is a proxy defined in the LG zone settings, make sure this proxy is configured correctly (pick the zone, click on the wrench icon)
Thanks for replying. I already tried opening the 7400 ports. Must be some proxy issue. Looking into it, meanwhile if you get anything concrete, please write back. Both my Controller and LG are in the same network. Should I check the encryption option ?
From your Load Generator machine if you try to reach from a browser that URL http://<replace_by_controller_ip>:7400/DataExchange/v1/Service.svc/
What's the result?
the URL returns an xml, and its working on the LG machine too, but using local ip of controller machine. browser initiated but cannot fetch type into the driver and closes.