Unanswered question

Connection issues when using neoload-controller Docker Image?

I'm trying to use Docker version of NL Controller to start a test using GitLab CI/CD strategy, but when it starts using NeoLoad, it shows a timeout on License Server.

Here is the log (parameter values were changed to be posted):

Status: Downloaded newer image for neotys/neoload-controller:latest
Launching NeoLoad with following parameters -noGUI -checkoutProject Project -launch "Scenario" -leaseServer NTS -NTS http://serverName:8080 -NTSLogin user:password -leaseLicense licenseID:50:1 -Collab http://serverName:8080 -publishTestResult
Logging to /home/neoload/.neotys/neoload/v6.8/logs, as user: neoload
Found a valid NTS configuration : URL=[http://serverName:8080/] and USER=[user]
An error occurred during Controller initialization: Could not send Message. -- Error caused by : SocketTimeoutException invoking http://serverName:8080/ws/license: connect timed out

However, if I try to use the parameters above using NeoLoadCmd, it works smoothly.
Can anyone help me to find the issue?

Guilherme V.
Guilherme V.

Guilherme V.

2 / 100


Neil W.
Neil W.

Neil W.

5000 / 5000

Sounds like a docker networking issue, can the container see the NTS server? Can any container see the NTS?