Unanswered question

HTTP Request PUT header size

I am facing an issue on my http request which are returning an error when I try to call a API request. Seems to be related to maximum header size, since the authorization content in header is huge (notice that if I use the same call with same headers in postman, works as expected). Error found in neoload script validation:
Error detected by NeoLoad
Error Code: NL-NETWORK-01 Message: Network error: An IO error occurred sending the request. Details: java.io.IOException: Request header too large
Please refer to the documentation for further details and advice

Said that, I ask: how to increase this header size?

Michel T.
Michel T.

Michel T.

45 / 100


Michel T.
Michel T.

Michel T.

45 / 100

As per Neotys suggestion, here are the steps to increase header size:

Stop NeoLoad
Edit \conf\controller.properties
Go to the [Runtime] section and add in a new line: jetty.max.request.buffer.size=264000
Start NeoLoad

This is an example for a 264KB size so try with this and increase it if needed.