We tried to access the NeoLoad team server (NTS) with the given server and its credential. It throws an error message "trustAnchors Parameter Must be non empty....." please help.
It seems that there's an issue with your settings. Could you confirm the NTS URL (protocol, ports and context) and if you need a proxy to reach your NTS?
Dear Nouredine,
Thank you for the prompt response, please find the requested details,
1. When we access through browser,
Port: 443
Error message: "You do not have necessary access" please check the attachment..
2. When access through Neoload NTS UI
Error message: please check the attachment
Unknown Error. SSLException invoking https://nts.lpa.dlh.de/ws/license: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unexpected error: java.security.InvalidAlgorithmParameterException: the trustAnchors parameter must be non-empty
please help.
The login issue to the NTS through the browser is normal if your user does not belong to the administrator role.
Check in the NTS your user settings and make sure to add it to the Administrator role. This is only necessary if you would like to use that user to login into the NTS and not to lease licenses from NeoLoad.
Regarding your second issue could you copy/paste the entire error message. It seems to be an issue with your SSL certificate configured for your NTS.
Thanks agian for the quick reply, please find the complete error,
Unknown Error. SSLException invoking https://nts.lpa.dlh.de/ws/license: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unexpected error: java.security.InvalidAlgorithmParameterException: the trustAnchors parameter must be non-empty
com.neotys.license.data.n: Unknown Error. SSLException invoking https://nts.lpa.dlh.de/ws/license: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unexpected error: java.security.InvalidAlgorithmParameterException: the trustAnchors parameter must be non-empty
at com.neotys.nl.controller.ax.d(ax.java:458)
at com.neotys.nl.gui.h.e.InstalledLicensesDialog.j(InstalledLicensesDialog.java:344)
at com.neotys.nl.gui.h.e.InstalledLicensesDialog.a(InstalledLicensesDialog.java:209)
at com.neotys.nl.gui.h.e.InstalledLicensesDialog.<init>(InstalledLicensesDialog.java:80)
at com.neotys.nl.gui.h.e.LicenseCategoryPanel.H(LicenseCategoryPanel.java:1108)
at com.neotys.nl.gui.h.e.LicenseCategoryPanel.access$600(LicenseCategoryPanel.java:79)
at com.neotys.nl.gui.h.e.LicenseCategoryPanel$4$1.run(LicenseCategoryPanel$4$1.java:525)
I've never seen that error before with NeoLoad. So it is weird and probably specific to your environment. It's like the trustore/keystore of the NeoLoad JVM is empty or can't be found.
If you have another NeoLoad machine could you check if you can reproduce that issue from that machine too?
Is it possible to provide a zip of the NeoLoad log files accessible through the menu "Help-->Open logs folder...."?