Unanswered question

Kronos Workforce Application - Java Applet Communication

I am currently doing a POC for Kronos application. I'm able to capture the network traffic till the flex communication of login portion. Post login, the applet will be loaded in the application which is currently displaying that it requires JAVA JRE version or higher in the application where the applet is getting loaded. I tried it using Neload 6.5 and also checked by downgrading to 5.5.2 also. In both version, I am landing on the same error page in the application. Even I changed the Java network settings to local host and 8090 to capture the network traffic.But, in actual the page is thrown with error while recording with neoload. I added the Neoload certificate to browser Trusted Root Certificate. Do I need to get the application certificate or the java version of application/neoload is causing the issue? My application can be viewwd only with java and no other version is compatible to launch the application.

Raghul M.
Raghul M.

Raghul M.

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