I am getting a HTTP412 response when I replay the recorded script - very similar to what has already been raised in this forum. Please share the resolution to the issue.
Ok so maybe the best would be to disable the cache mechanism for PUT requests. Please follow the procedure below:
Stop NeoLoad
Edit $install_dir/conf/controller.properties...
Hi Team
i have recorded native application successfully but while validating script getting " NL_network-01" error.
Please find the below details:
Error Code...
Ok you're right the HTTP 400 is not related to the network issue. Regarding if it's HTTP/1.1 or HTTP/2 it can't be HTTP/2 since your URL is not HTTPS but HTTP. So that's not...
Neoload found errors when validate the user path, all errors have 412 response code. When I compare the request between the validation and the recorded ones, they appear to be...
Christophe - Thank you for the response. I just checked the requests with 412 response codes, they don't have 'If-Match' or 'If-Unmodified-Since' header.