Answered question

Not able to add more than one load generators to NeoLoad runtime

I'm running NeoLoad 6.3.1. I have load generator agent running on two other servers (not counting the one on localhost where the controller is running). For some reason, I can only add one load generator. After I added the second one, it is not being listed under the Load Generators. But if I click on "Automatically discover remote load generators", then the first load generator would disappears and the second one would appear. And if I click on "Automatically discover remote load generators", then the second one would disappear and the first one would reappear. It keeps toggling like this.

Lue X.
Lue X.

Lue X.

64 / 100

Do you know if your two remote load generators are clone machines?

This kind of behavior may happen when the two machines are sharing some network information like IP addresses and so NeoLoad thinks that it's actually the same machines.

You should check the network settings of your two machines. Otherwise something that can differentiate them is if you modify one of the load generator to use a different port (default is 7100).

This is enough to not see them as same machine in case you can't figure out if they are sharing same network info.

For more information about changing the default port you can look at the NeoLoad documentation here

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