Unanswered question

Load List /Array of values into variable from MS SQL

I'm trying to load a variable with the list of results of a SQL query. I can access the first first value in the results but how do I get at the next one or a random value

[Variablename].[ColumnName] gives the first value
[Variablename]_[Columnname]_rand doesn't work
[Variablename]_[Columnname]_n doesn't work ??

Steven F.
Steven F.

Steven F.

64 / 100


Are you using the SQL variable type or the custom action? the fact that the first works suggests the SQL variable type so based on that you need to look at the change policy for the variable, is it per use, per request, per page, etc. The next row will be accessed based on this selection (ie. every iteration will read a new row)

Steven F.
Steven F.

Steven F.

64 / 100

Cheers Neil. Yes, SQL variable - so the SQL will not be executed again if I have it set to each use it will just get one of the rows