Unanswered question

ERROR - neoload.Gui: Load generator localhost:7100 unavailable on a macbook?

Yesterday I updated the OS on my macbook to High Sierra. Could be a coincidence, but since then I get the ERROR - neoload.Gui: Load generator localhost:7100 unavailable message whenever I try to check user path or execute a test. I also see this in the neolod.log file...

Caused by: com.neotys.nl.controller.H: Failed to start Load Generator on The Load Generator process has been created but has not registered after waiting delay (key "lg.start.delay" in agent.properties). : an error occurred while communicating with ''

Any suggestions on how to solve this please?

Kenny S.
Kenny S.

Kenny S.

14 / 100


Kenny S.
Kenny S.

Kenny S.

14 / 100

Thanks Nouredine, looking at the Activity Monitor I do see two Java process when I start a check virtual user yet still don't get anywhere. I have also killed all process on port 7100 and receive the same error