We are testing a web portal based on GWT technology. All related libraries and .rpc files have been loaded through the module manager. We are able to visualize the recorded requests and their responses properly. We are also able to variable our scenario successfully.
However, we face some issues while checking a user path either on a new version of the portal or on the same version but with another environment. It seems issues are realated to GWT technology. Therfore we would like to know what are best practices regarding GWT based applications. Here after is a quick overview of our 2 main issues:
• A lot of recorded requests contain the "key" and "componenentKey" tags. Their values change for every new version of the portal. We don't know if these tags are related to GWT or to our tool used to generate the portal. We then get errors while performing a check of a user path on a new version.
• Some requests contains the "sourceId" tag. Once again its values changes with new version of the portal and user path check fails on new version. We have no choice than re recorded the user path to make it working.
On another hand, we have a need to link a response time request to a variable. Therefore, is there a way to catch this response time inside a user path ? For now, we use js code to start and stop a timer before and after a specific request but the time we get includes the think time which is variable.
Thanks in advance for your help
Support ticket has been opened on that matter.