Unanswered question

Could anyone help me in testing hybrid mobile apps?

I want to record scripts for hybrid mobile apps, I have made some proxy settings on mobile device but when trying to login to application it fails. Neoload is recording only login screen but it is not navigating to further page?

swapnil K.
swapnil K.

swapnil K.

36 / 100


Nouredine A.
Nouredine A.

Nouredine A.

5000 / 5000

Are you recording from a physical mobile? If yes is Android or IOS? Which exact version?

Have you imported the NeoLoad Root certificate in your mobile? To test if it is correctly installed you can simply make a recording from the mobile browser. You should not get any certifcate warning if it is correctly installed.

swapnil K.
swapnil K.

swapnil K.

36 / 100

Yeah, I am trying to record using Android device. Where can i found NeoLoad Root Certificate? Are you trying to say that i should record the scripts through tunnel mode? If yes then please guide me with necessary configurations.

swapnil K.
swapnil K.

swapnil K.

36 / 100

Can someone please assist here?

Nouredine A.
Nouredine A.

Nouredine A.

5000 / 5000

The NeoLoad Root certificate can be found when you navigate into the menu "Help-->Open logs folder...". Then go back once in the tree folder and enter into the "conf" folder.

You need to send that Root certificate to your mobile for example by email and import it.

Then you should try a simple recording (proxy mode) of an HTTPS application from the browser mobile device to make sure that you do not have any certificate warning. If it works fine you can try with your hybrid mobile apps.

It's only if your application is working while recording with NeoLoad but nothing or only few transactions are recorded that you can try tunnel mode recording otherwise it's not necessary.


swapnil K.
swapnil K.

swapnil K.

36 / 100

I have already tried to record using browser of mobile device and it does not shows any certificate warning but instead it says failed to connect proxy configurations. But then also if i record the scripts it is happening. Now the problem is when i am trying to record the script for our hybrid mobile app, only the login page script is getting captured and not actually logging in to welcome page of application.
Also i am not able to connect to internet when i configure the proxy settings on mobile device.
Please assist here.

swapnil K.
swapnil K.

swapnil K.

13 / 100

Is someone there to revert?

Can you confirm that the android device and the pc you are recording from (ie. the neoload machine running the proxy) are on the same subnet? the device should have no issue seeing the proxy providing they are on the same network and the port number is not blocked by a firewall