Answered question

Why does "JSONPath expression" checkbox not show up on <some> Variable Extractor?

I have 2 http requests, I want to parse JSONPath expression from each. One of the variable extractor windows has the checkbox that allows me to input the "JSONPath expression" and the other one doesn't. Please see attached screenshots of the two variable extractor windows. Why the checkbox is missing in one of them?

Harv G.
Harv G.

Harv G.

16 / 100

In that case you can run a check virtual user with that request and on the user validation panel use the "Update recorded content" option when right mouse click.

That should allow you to get the JSON Path option.

For more information please look at the NeoLoad documentation here

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Harv G.
Harv G.

Harv G.

16 / 100

Nouredine thank you for responding. Content-Type of the server response is application/json, but my variable extractor doesn't know about the Content-Type from server because it's not a recorded request. I am building it by hand because I'm testing a Restful Webservice.

When building the request by hand, the request does not know what the server response type will be, how can I extract JSON expression?