Unanswered question

Can I ignore GWT errors? ( NL-GWT-PLUGIN-ENGINE-03 )

By validating my design I got the NL-GWT-PLUGIN-ENGINE-03 error in the responses of some requests.
This error is also present by the recording.
The HTTP status code = 200, so I can not use the checkbox at 'Runtime parameters': Do not mark the specified HTTP error code when the same error occurs during the recording.
I saw that you can ignore Siebel errors by adding siebel.errors.to.exclude= in your controller.properties file.
Is this also possible for GWT errors?

Context: The GWT error is caused because the PDF files are not copied from production to the test environment. That's why the recording gives the same GWT error.

Henk B.
Henk B.

Henk B.

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