Answered question

How to use variables' value in my java-script in neload?

I just create a variable in Neoload,which name is CenterID.
Its value is from a "csv" file with 5000+ data.
And each time it choose one random value as its current value.

Now I need combine at most 10 values from this file and I plan to call this variable several times and then do the combination job in a java script.

But I found that when I use " var newVar= context.variableManager.getValue("CenterID"); "
null returns as value of newVar.

Could anybody know how to use this "file" type variable in a script?

Or better ways to achieve my goal?

Andrew J.
Andrew J.

Andrew J.

4 / 100
christophe M.
christophe M.

christophe M.

5000 / 5000

Hi Andrew,

For Table/File variables the syntax for context.variableManager.getValue() is {CSV_Variable_Name}.{ColumnName}

Ex: getValue("Accounts.login")

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