Answered question

Can we create two websocket channel for a Single user in Neoload ?

I am trying to create two different web socket channel for a single user . First one got created succesfully but while creating the second one, getting below error :
Error Code: NL-WEBSOCKET-CHANNEL-ENGINE Message: Error occurred while executing WebSocket channel.
Please let me know whether I can create two websocket channel for the same user.

Vaishali B.
Vaishali B.

Vaishali B.

2 / 100

The short answer is yes it's possible to have two WebSocket channels in your script. Nevertheless you may check if your application allows two channels created by the same user. It might be something that can't work or you may need to use different parameters to create two different web socket channel.

Can't you record your application with NeoLoad to check how many channels are recorded?

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