Unanswered question

Mobile application recording problem with certificate

I'm trying to record Android Application with Neoload, I followed successfully all the steps regarding Neoload Certificate deployment under Android Phone.
I was able to record the loading of the application and the form for authentication, but I can't go more than this step, however the kind of recording I'm using : proxy or tunnel.
At the beginning I had error message during recording about bad certificate detected by *.googleapi.com...
But after i uploaded Neoload certificates the message didn't show again, but still stuck on authentication step.
Any idea to help me resolve this issue ?
Thanks & regards

Mohammed B.
Mohammed B.

Mohammed B.

18 / 100


Nouredine A.
Nouredine A.

Nouredine A.

5000 / 5000

Could you confirm that if you are recording any HTTPS web site using your Android browser you do not get anymore any certificate warning from the browser?

The goal is definitively eliminate the certificate from the equation. Then could you provide a screen shot of the error that you get at the authentication step?

Mohammed B.
Mohammed B.

Mohammed B.

18 / 100

Here's some update regarding this problem :
The application is working with Neoload as a proxy until it reach the authentication page, at this time I got an error and I suspected the certificate or WAF, but also after disabliing the WAF I still got the same problem.
It seems that while using Neoload as a proxy, the mobile doesn't have access to Internet anymore, but on the authentication page it need to send login and password to server and failed to contact it which cause the error message.
So, it's not a certificate or WAF problem.
When I configure the proxy to ignore the server DNS I can't record anything.
So, any idea which can help ?
Thanks & regards