Hi, Perhaps I am using Neoload incorrectly, but I want to POST a JSON request to a some xyx.azurewebsites.net and I HAVE NO PORT for that server, but Neoload refuses to set up a server without a port.
What am I missing?
Nevermind, the URL has to be base URL and then you make your controller and methods.
Server URL be:
and then your Web API 2 Controller and Methods be( using Web API C# ) as "Actions" under:
User Paths -> [YourUser] -> Actions -> (right-click ->Insert As Child -> Request -> Http Request )and NAME THE PATH of that request as controller/action (e.g. User/Login)
• Then you can change the Method type to POST (if using POST)
• Click Post Content Type drop down and select Text
• Now in POST Parameters (which aren't Parameters anymore but a Text box) put your JSON in.
• Hit Advanced at the bottom of menu and in Request headers section click '+' and add (without the quotes) the following:
name "Content-Type"
Value "application/json"
to make it JSON POST request .
Good luck.