Unanswered question

How to extract raw results from command line?

I note that there is an option to extract raw results via the command line but I cannot find any documentation on how this is done. My assumption is that this is different to the Results API functionality.

Assuming that my assumption is correct, where do I find examples on how to use this?

Elliot A.
Elliot A.

Elliot A.

29 / 100


Elliot A.
Elliot A.

Elliot A.

29 / 100

Based on what I've read and seen, it appears that this option can only be used as part of a test execution. What I'd like to be able to do is extract the raw data of a particular test result in isolation of actually running a test.
The use case I'm thinking of is where I want to extract the raw results of multiple executions to do some analysis.
Is this possible?