I'm having the problem that I can't disable the NeoLoad websocket timeout of 5 minutes.
After 5 Minutes without communication at the websocket, the successfully connected...
After opening a Support Request I got an Hotfix Version 7.2.3 for this problem. The parameter
websocket.client.max.idle.timeout was added to change the timeout behaviour.
I am trying to integrate selenium automation script (JAR file) with Neoload project scenario. While I was running the scenario , I see a warning message like "Advanced WAN...
So then, how can I set my users as protocol users? Usually, in the "runtime", I'm defining my scenarios, users and duration policy etc. I haven't seen protocol user...
I am getting 403-forbidden error for the request silent/Pay which is getting called while adding the credit card details for payment of Placing an order in CrossView Customer...
It's difficult to say anything conclusive with the screen shots. When it fails on the first iteration, do you have any error on the response sent by the server?
Have you...