Unanswered question

Getting NL-Network 01 error (java.nio.channels.UnresolvedAddressException)

I am using Neoload 5.5.1, and during a 2 day run. There is an instance where I got over 10 million failure of the same kind & the rest run is all fine.
I have already increased the socket connection value of the LG as well (under regedit).
Screenshot attached

Paras S.
Paras S.

Paras S.

35 / 100


That error is a DNS error. Does it only happen when running high load? Is it only on that local load generator?

Do you use a proxy to reach your application? Is it HTTP or HTTPS?

Paras S.
Paras S.

Paras S.

35 / 100

-> Yes, it happened on high load with 50 users.
-> I was using single machine for generating load
-> No proxy was used to reach the application
-> it is HTTP based