Answered question

Create javascript Log in Cloud


In my script I have a javascript code that captures 2 variables "order_id and order_item_id, for audit and analysis questions I want to generate a log that registers these values, this tests will be performed in the cloud so we do not know how to perform this process log.

We try with these parameters but none shows me the desired information in the results

logger.FATAL("producto1="+producto1 + "|" + "sku_1="+sku1 + "|" + "producto2="+producto2 + "|" + "sku_2="+sku2 );
logger.FATAL(" order_id_1 =" + order_id_1 + "|" + "order_item_id_1 :" + order_item_id_1 + "|" + " order_id_2" + order_id_2 + "|" + "order_item_id_2 :" + order_item_id_2 )

logger.ERROR("producto1="+producto1 + "|" + "sku_1="+sku1 + "|" + "producto2="+producto2 + "|" + "sku_2="+sku2 );
logger.ERROR(" order_id_1 =" + order_id_1 + "|" + "order_item_id_1 :" + order_item_id_1 + "|" + " order_id_2" + order_id_2 + "|" + "order_item_id_2 :" + order_item_id_2 )

logger.WARNING("producto1="+producto1 + "|" + "sku_1="+sku1 + "|" + "producto2="+producto2 + "|" + "sku_2="+sku2 );
logger.WARNING(" order_id_1 =" + order_id_1 + "|" + "order_item_id_1 :" + order_item_id_1 + "|" + " order_id_2" + order_id_2 + "|" + "order_item_id_2 :" + order_item_id_2 )

logger.DEBUG("producto1="+producto1 + "|" + "sku_1="+sku1 + "|" + "producto2="+producto2 + "|" + "sku_2="+sku2 );
logger.DEBUG(" order_id_1 =" + order_id_1 + "|" + "order_item_id_1 :" + order_item_id_1 + "|" + " order_id_2" + order_id_2 + "|" + "order_item_id_2 :" + order_item_id_2 )

Could they help us, give us some idea with this?

Carlos Darío S.
Carlos Darío S.

Carlos Darío S.

15 / 100

You need to check the Runtime settings in the NeoLoad preferences-->Project settings tab-->Runtime parameter

On the top you have a drop down list for the Javascript logging. If for example you use a logger.debug make sure to select Debug from the list otherwise you won't see any information in the LG log files.


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