We are load testing one of our client's Oracle Forms Application for the simple LogIn and LogOut scenario with NeoLoad 5.0. There is a pause time (Delay action) of 5 seconds between LogIn and LogOut. The Scenario is such that each vUser hits the HomePage > LogsIn > Waits 5 seconds > LogsOut. All these requests are put in the Actions container, with a pacing duration of 60 seconds.
The check-virtual-user worked fine. But, when we started a test with 50vUsers, initially the iterations went fine. All the vUsers were ramped up in 500 seconds; after 10-15 minutes, all the users were stalled at the "LogIn" action in their 2nd or 3rd iterations. There is no error shown in NeoLoad runtime even after 1 hour of test run.
Please suggest if there is any configuration / setting for the timeout error to show up for oracle forms application? I have seen that in the "controller.properties" file, the following settings are present. Please help. Thank you.
If the whole script is inside the Actions container then i assume that if you look at the Actions container level the option to reset the user session is either set to auto or yes.
That means that all user iterations are completely independant. To rule out a script issue, you should run a test with 1 user for multiple iterations. If it works then try again with 5-10 concurrent users and so on.
If it works fine with few users but it fails reaching an amount of users then i guess it's a server issue.