Unanswered question

HTTP/1.1 302 error?

We are conducting performance testing on Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 using the performance test tool "NeoLoad".
Created a script and ran it with 250 virtual users. When we ran the script with 250 users it is throwing "HTTP/1.1 302 Found" error for couple of users. But When we ran the script with 10 users, no issues observed

Please find the attached error details file and advise

Sundar J.
Sundar J.

Sundar J.

9 / 100


It's difficult to tell what the root cause is. If you say that it works with 10 users then the issue is either due to the load or it can also be the input data.

You should run your test in debug mode in NeoLoad and then check the users in errors in the Results section under Details tab. Look at the previous transactions, variables used like credential in case there's something wrong with your input data.