Unanswered question

How to fix NeoloadGUI to display very very small on Windows 10

After a lot of tests to setup a correct display through the NeoloadGUI.exe properties I've not been able to use the GUI due to extra small text and almost invisible icon.
High Resolution mode disable or enable doesn't change the issue.
How to fix this for Windows 10?

Renaud D.
Renaud D.

Renaud D.

1 / 100


When using Windows 8/10, and having display issues with Neoload, you can do the following to make the display better:

  • Reduce the resolution to 1920x1080 (recommended) or lower
  • Set compatibility on the Neoload executable to "Disable" display scaling on high-res monitors. Just Right-click NeoloadGUI.exe, and choose option.
  • Reduce the size of items to about half way on the display options (50%, might need to set to manual)