Unanswered question

I am facing issue with web service scripting in neoload5.2. The script is migrated one which was working fine in 5.1.5?

I am facing issue with web service scripting in neoload5.2. The script is migrated one which was working fine in 5.1.5. During replay I was getting 401 error. After I have changed the proxy settings(which was not in 5.1.5), I am getting 400 error now.
In Request during replay, I am getting one extra header line -
User-Agent: Jetty/9.3.7.v20160115NeotysEdition.7

Abhinaw K.
Abhinaw K.

Abhinaw K.

27 / 100


This is a bug that will be fixed in patch 5.2.1. It should be available on Friday or beginning of next week worst scenario.

If you have configured NeoLoad to check for update then you will be notified when it's available.

As a workaround, if you remove the recorded User-Agent header in your request, then the replaying should work.

Abhinaw K.
Abhinaw K.

Abhinaw K.

27 / 100

I tried removing the header. still the result is same.

Ok i thought that you had two different User-Agent headers but it seems that there's only the Jetty one which should not be an issue.

However, i can see a Negotiate authentication header and there's also an issue in 5.2.0 in that area. You should wait for the 5.2.1 patch that should be out today or on Monday. It fixes the Negotiate authentication issue.