Unanswered question

how can we run two web service calls with two different certificates?

I have two sets of web service calls. they require two different certificates. at the moment, neoload only has setup where user logins are attached to cert.

but in this case, the web services don't have logins. just straight SOAP request. how do I setup for two certs that they recognize with calls need which certs?

Stephen H.
Stephen H.

Stephen H.

12 / 100


Have you tried to create a security profile for your SOAP requests?

From the NeoLoad preferences under Project settings tab and Web Services Security you can create your profile and add your keystores.

Stephen H.
Stephen H.

Stephen H.

12 / 100

Thanks Nouredine. I will look into making some thing unique so I can use the profile. profile setup require some kind of login information to assign to a certificate.