Answered question

Can you change the "Post content type" for all requests in a vu?

After I record a script in Neoload, all the requests are of method "Post" and type "Binary".
In order to change parameters in the requests I have to click on each one and change the type to "Text". Is there a way to do this for all requests at once?

Bob R.
Bob R.

Bob R.

10 / 100
Nouredine A.
Nouredine A.

Nouredine A.

5000 / 5000

You can only change the type of a request one by one.

It would be interesting to get an export of your project to see why NeoLoad configured all your POST requests as Binary. It might be due to the "Content-Type" configured on your requests that is not correct or unknown.

I would suggest you to send an email to the Neotys support so they can look at it.

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