1. Load and performance test the download of the plan information to the mobile device
2. Load and performance test the upload of the completed application from the mobile...
NeoLoad can simulate an upload or download use case for any web application even from a mobile application.
You should be able to vary the uploaded and downloaded files if...
How can we Record an application having voice calling, video calling, chatting features(Like Skype, viber etc) by using Neoload? Can Neoload capable to record this type of...
You can't record SMTP protocol with NeoLoad. NeoLoad only records HTTP and RTMP protocols.
You could execute SMTP commands through Javascript and/or JAVA code from NeoLoad if...
Scenario: Launch App-->Login-->Dashboard-->Upload Photo from Mobile device-->synchronization-->Logout
How to enhance the script like uploading data from other source??? Please...
When you record a script that uploads files, you should get a POST request in NeoLoad with the name of the file that was uploaded during the recording. If you would like to...
I am using the proxy network to access internet.
I am using pefecto automation script to do performance testing using Neoload(Followed Neoload-Perfecto Integration Process)...
The integration with functional testing tools like PerfectoMobile allows you to run Automated script on a real device regularly while the load is generated at protocol level by...
How to record a native mobile application in neoload. The App(.apk) does not use internet like dictionary,calender,games. Please suggest as well as share the process.
NeoLoad provides two different methods to record the HTTP/S traffic between the device (web or native app) and the servers.
Please refer to the Mobile Testing guide which...
Scenario: Launch application--->Login--->Click on Document-->Download the Document.
From above scenario, How can I download a file & also save it in the local machine in...
When you download a file from a server, it does not make any difference for the server if you save the file locally or not on your machine.
So during a load testing, NeoLoad...