Answered question

Neoload and SignalR

I am trying to capture a site that uses SignalR. Unfortunately, I don't get any requests for SignalR (which is understandable). My question to you is, how can I make Neoload record the actions made using SignalR ?


Eu A.
Eu A.

Eu A.

20 / 100

If the export or upload is still using HTTP protocol you should see it in NeoLoad. Usually it is done with a POST multi-part request. I do not think that it is done through the WebSocket channel but did you get any WebSocket requests? and if yes did you see any data related to your upload?

You could try to use an other proxy like Fiddler to identify the upload request if any.

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SignalR seems to use WebSocket/PUSH technology so i guess you should be able to record the WebSocket communication involved. Did you get any WebSocket channel/requests recorded?


Eu A.
Eu A.

Eu A.

20 / 100

Hi, i must complete my question with the following information:
I can capture the traffic via WebSocket, what I can't is capture the local file exports or uploads or other similar actions. Am I missing something from the project, setup wise ?