Unanswered question

Testing with Websockets -- Need module?

Our app uses websockets. We've downloaded the community edition and recorded scripts but cannot run without the Push module, I believe. We would be interested in a paid subscription but only if we are sure Neotys can handle our app before we buy. Can we have access to the neccessary module?

Wayne G.
Wayne G.

Wayne G.

1 / 100


Dear Wayne,

Websocket support is part of WebSocket & Push module that is included in the Free edition.

The reference guide may help you: http://www.neotys.com/documents/doc/neoload/latest/en/htm...

If you have a commercial need in mind, then feel free to contact Neotys at http://go.neotys.com/Contact_Request.html and explain your project. You'll get some technical assistance to help you evaluate properly NeoLoad.