I would like to specify where the log file are located as I am running this on a Jenkins server automated. Is there a param or property value I can specify in the nlp file?
Question is somewhat vague. Presuming that you might be asking how to get the Neoload Logs into your Jenkins workspace for easy viewing via Jenkins, a simple outside the box solution is to use a file copy utility such as xcopy or robocopy.
To achieve this, add an "Execute Windows batch command" step to your jenkins job (or "Execute shell" for non-windows jenkins servers) and have that step perform a file copy just like you would on a command line/shell. This will need to happen after your Neoloadcmd.exe batch command.
Here's an example that uses xcopy on a windows server:
xcopy c:\users\jsmith\AppData\Roaming\Neotys\NeoLoad\v5.0\logs "%WORKSPACE%" /E /Y
Optionally add error level checking for extra control of the behavior:
(xcopy c:\users\jsmith\AppData\Roaming\Neotys\NeoLoad\v5.0\logs "%WORKSPACE%" /E /Y) ^& IF %ERRORLEVEL% GTR 0 exit 1
If Neoload and Jenkins are not on the same server, install a Jenkins slave service on the Neoload server and use it to run that job.