Answered question

Executing 4.0.4 patch installer throws "Could not create this file" (jsse.jar) prompt

I'm running Neoload 4.0.3 on Windows 2008 R2 SP1. I tried executing the patch as administrator while Neoload is not running, and I get the error mentioned above. I can skip creating jsse.jar file by selecting "no" but I'm not sure if that will break the upgrade process.

Robert H.
Robert H.

Robert H.

0 / 100

Is it the automatic upgrade from NeoLoad or did you manually download that patch?

The patch may be corrupted or something is preventing the installation.

The best would be to download the entire version from the web site. You can safely install multiple NeoLoad version as soon as it is on separate folders.

The new installation will automatically pick up the license so no worry about that.



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