Unanswered question

Network-01 Concurrent and Parallel Connections

I'm getting a fairly large number of Network-01 errors during load tests. The tests in the population were set to 6,000 parallel connections. The number of concurrent connections was set to 60,000. Can you please explain the difference between parallel and open connections, and how they play a role in causing Network-01 errors? Also, since these settings are causing Network-01 issues, what would be the recommended settings so that we don't experience this anymore?

Aria C.
Aria C.

Aria C.

34 / 100


To make sure i understand have you modified the number of parallel connections at browser level in the panel described in our documentation here?

If your server uses HTTP/1.1 setting 6,000 does not make sense. You should not do that. This settings is used to run in parallel resources under a page. So with your settings if you have 100 of resources NeoLoad will open (or try) 100 connections against your server per user which may explain your network errors. Why have you modified this setting?

6-8 parallel connections is in general what it is used by the browsers (with HTTP/1.1) and so it's not necessary to modify it if you would like to simulate a valid load testing.

Aria C.
Aria C.

Aria C.

34 / 100

Yes, I was changing the number of parallel connections at the browser level. I modified this setting because I was having Network-01 errors, and I found out that increasing that number could resolve the issues. I will try changing it to something lower to see if that fixes the issue. Do you have a recommendation as to what I should set the number of concurrent connections to so I don't see Network-01 errors?

Well modifying the number of connections is not really a solution to resolve the network-01 errors. First of all you should provide more details about the error details since Network-01 is a generic errors. Plus how do you get those errors? is it when reaching an amount of concurrent users? Do you get them on different load generators etc...?

Depending on the symptom the solution may be different but usually it is not a NeoLoad issue so you may not be able to fix that by changing some NeoLoad settings.

Aria C.
Aria C.

Aria C.

34 / 100

I've received Network-01 errors when using agent machines, or with the localhost. It seems to happen when I have about 10 or more users.

Aria C.
Aria C.

Aria C.

34 / 100

I see a lot of "java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException".