Unanswered question

Activated 10 days license by mistake if deactivate now will the expire date stop and will resume when activated again?

So my colleague activated our 10 days license by mistake so what should we do now?

If we deactivate the license now will the expire date also stop i.e the days left to expire
so that we can activate it in future and the remaining time can be used then

Prateek K.
Prateek K.

Prateek K.

24 / 100


A rental license has an expiration date of 1 year (absolute expiration date and relative one). So the fact that you have activated it does not matter. You can deactivate it to make sure that nobody will consume your rental days by mistake if needed.

Prateek K.
Prateek K.

Prateek K.

24 / 100

Nouredine this was additional Rental License we have purchased for 250 VU which is valid for 10 days only so if we deactivate in now and will it freeze the days left so that we can reactivate it again after few days and the rental days will not get utilized

Be careful you are confused about these 10 days and expiration license date. Your 10 days are not involved if you activate/deactivate your license. You only use a rental day when you start a test.

So when i'm talking about license expiration date there's no link with your 10 rental days. Again your license is valid for 1 year. That means that you have 1 year to use your 10 days (not consecutively).

So even if you activated your license you can deactivate it and use your days in 2 months if you need.

Prateek K.
Prateek K.

Prateek K.

24 / 100

Thank you

So if deactivate my license with below steps:

and again activate it after 15 days we still will be able to use our remaining days with 250 VU license then

That's correct. Again your rental days are only used when you run tests. it's not impacted by activation/deactivation. And to add a more complete response you can't deactivate your license when a rental day is in use (within the 24 hours). Except that it's fine.